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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Upcoming Shows: Mayor England on Tuesday at 6 p.m.

You can check out our schedule any time at New Albany Now.

Listen to New Albany Now on internet talk radio

On Monday, July 7, we've scheduled a call-in show to follow the meeting of the New Albany City Council. We'll go live at 9 p.m. and start taking callers shortly after that.

The next evening at 6 p.m. we're pleased to have the Hon. Douglas B. England as a call-in guest. Mayor England will be with us for the entire hour and has agreed to take questions and comments from callers.

You can join the conversation by calling New Albany Now's New York switchboard at (347) 539-5928, or by "Clicking" the talk button on your computer screen if you have a built-in or plug-in microphone. Click-to-talk calls are free over our VOIP network.

Allow me to remind you that while New Albany Now is a volunteer effort, we are seeking sponsors to defray the costs of production. When you patronize a business or other concern that deigns to sponsor our show, please tell them you heard their messages on our show.

If you're not yet comfortable with commenting on blogs, or if you'd prefer to communicate with the show privately, we can be reached by e-mail at


Iamhoosier said...

I am one of those who is not comfortable commenting on blogs but want to take the opportunity to wish you good luck and to say thanks for your efforts.


Randy Smith said...

We'll be broadcasting live from Studios on Main Street on Monday night. Trish extended to us a welcome Thursday night.

With the issue of second-hand smoke in the workplace being raised for, in effect, the first time as a legislative issue, could it be that most of the callers will be speaking to that issue.

Hack, cough, I'm agin it. In honor of the occasion, I'll be smoking my first cigar since 2003 while taking calls from, in all likelihood, inveterate smokers determined to defend their "way of life."

I think I know how that's going to go.

Based on the brush-off I received from Mr. Price at this city's celebration of our Independence, and certain advance warning of a "red alert" attack on the principle of equal protection under the Constitution, we might just have a discussion about how the laws of this nation are enforced.

Iam...did you know that you were a political tool who manipulated the census numbers to engage in a blatant political attack on Mr. Price's entitlement to receiving $10,000 a year from the taxpayers?

Read ALL about it in your local mega-corporate-mouthpiece.