Support the Show

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's up with the show?

Our new Internet radio show, New Albany Now, is on a brief hiatus. As was intended, the city council managed to divert everyone's attention toward the vicious fight over a workplace smoking ban, and frankly, I was just too tired of the quality of the debate, not to mention the volume (loudness) to fight the trend.

The show will be back, probably in mid-September or as the need arises. We just haven't settled on a time, day, and frequency. In addition, we hope to have three shows: a local issues show (New Albany Now), another that discusses books and publishing with author interviews, and a third that will consist of open-mic poetry. If all goes as planned, between the three shows, we'll be broadcasting the local issues show three times a week. Add to that the taped coverage of city council meetings and post-council reports, and it could get pretty busy.

We are still adding sponsors for the local show. If you want a targeted, measured market penetration and don't want to pay for phantom listeners, the cost is hard to beat. For 2.5 cents per ear, you can deliver your message to a motivated listenership that consists mainly of local people. It's manageable for local businesses who don't traditionally advertise, and affordable for community groups seeking to promote a specific event.

Call me at the store (944-5116) if you'd like to be a sponsor.

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